Exploring Mumbai Heritage
Oct 2nd, 2018 by Neha Bagoria

Mumbai heritage dates back to 2000 years! This trip is exploration of 800 year old ancient step well – Banganga (Malabar), 17th century religious monument – Teresa Church (Girgaon) and Kothachiwadi 18th century village (Girgaon). All in the heart of Mumbai city, one can travel back in time and yet to modern marvels of the world.

Its serene to spend time at Banganga surrounded by temples even in scorching sunlight. Kothachiwadi antique village, few houses still carry its legacy. Teresa Church history is interesting to know about too. One must visit these places and explore heritage of Mumbai.


Somethin of worth deserving.
Feb 21st, 2010 by Neha Bagoria


I remember IIM’s Gopalkrishanan quote -Deserve before u desire. So true! Most of us in pursuit of desires forget to fulfill the gap of what we actually deserve. Its futile if we can’t prove the worth of desires by deserving and striving for them.

Long time back I promised myself for whatsoever I will always clear up the clogs of my mind and never lead a confused life. I am glad I kept it.

Stary Sky Overnite Camping
Mar 12th, 2009 by Neha Bagoria

I always been into star gazing fascination and with utmost curiosity have been tapping info of stars,galaxies,constellations,comets. In childhood dad would accompany me to city planetarium and was amazed to see all those revolving models of Venus,Mars,Saturn. A short-film on stars/planets was a on special screening there. I’m a Software Engineer but aesthetically explore interests in theater acting, writing articles, treking, astronomy and many more.

I’m member of an amateur astro-club in mumbai www.khagolmandal.com. They have been conducting regular sessions on astronomy, which is attended by enthusiastic club members (+300). On 21st March 2009, at 19.00 hrs (IST) “Stary Sky Overnite Camping” began at Chavan Farm House,Tarangan Marg,Vangani (approx 12 away km from Mumbai). I went there with one of my friend Virender and accompanied there another friend Arun, who has been attending such camps. And we all shared the common passion-Wonders of Astronomy.

The session began with introduction of planets,stars,galaxies etc. Then with the help of laser beam torch they pointed out Pole star,Orion Nebula, Milky Way galaxy,Artificial Satellite. Well it was magnificent and was amazed at the very glance of it. We trekkers were lyin on the ground to catch up with the glimpse of wonderful starry sky. After 2 hrs we had a dinner break, well we friends had some marathi food. Then we had slide show session for planetary information under the sky and about the sky After much of soaked up sessions, we finally had a telescope session I was really thrilled, me and my friends were waiting for it too. It was amazing to see Comet Lulin and Andromeda galaxy Then we again information exchange session, where the club veteran members discussed various astronomical objects,types of telescopes etc. After a short tea break around 2.00 am (IST) we again gathered for telescopic view of Saturn and Orion Nebula. With Earth on its rotation, telescope was tapping up with it too, every second the position of Saturn on telescope will move with the rotation of Earth. This was something terrific to witness. Our last session at 3.00 am (IST) was QnA, where we all had all sorts of queries like “Why do we have rounded shape heavenly bodies?”,”What is the end of universe?”,”How planets form?”,”Can we reach stars?” and many fantasy based questions too like “Do aliens exist?” ! This one was the second most interesting session after telescope one. Now it was 4 am (IST) and we headed for home.

It’s been great camping for stars and planets we just see from earth. To carry forward this interest I be soon visiting the city planetarium www.nehru-centre.org

Win-Win !
Jan 14th, 2009 by Neha Bagoria

Well this is to share with you all, that I won over and made hat-trick win as a customer in Service industry.

The third brand I won over is Kodak, on which I had filled a case for faulty camera.

I sued over them through Core forum a month back and they served notice to Kodak.

Which got acted upon well, and even after 6 months, I bought camera , it got replacement with free accessories too.

Earlier I got my issues resolved for Philips DVD player and ICICI bank through CORE.

Well the chase as a customer to get value-for-money is a success, till determined to win over.

I wanted to share this hat-trick success, so that you people also be equally watchful.

We can sue any faulty product or service at CORE, which is not meeting the satisfaction requirement. CORE act upon defaulter party legally.

NOTE : CORE is Consumer Coordination Council of India.

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