Terror Attacks
Dec 3rd, 2008 by Neha Bagoria

We all have condemned the on-going terrorist attacks. This act of barbarism is globally criticized for inhuman and terror inflow, keeping us from make a better and peacful world to live-in.

But not only do we need to criticize them, now its time we need to act stern on them too. How long we just gonna involve in wait-n-watch game for another terror attack, and weep only when our very near and dear ones are blown-out of RDX?

I believe that all of us are sensible pro-active citizens of nation, and so do expect that all of us act on this terrorism. It’s time that we uproot and replace the current obsolete filthy system with new powerful system to fight the terrorism.

Initiate the change revolution:

1. Youth needs to come up and take ahead the nation in new and better world replacing the current filthy political parties. All over the nation and in each city, Youth needs to connect and make leaders to become the preferrable genuine voteable candidate. Till we stand on our own we can’t rescue our own people.

2. Make politicians more accountable to the nation. We should always remember that political leaders are legally recruited to serve the nation and we pay them in form of taxes too. Leaders need to sign and legally abide by, what they promise before they are elected, only then then can come the power to serve us. We can file petition for this.

3. Police,ATS like security organisations must work as an independent and autonomous body, free from political interference. Such organizations must have all resources to update its force for best security measures. A major chunk of national income need to be divereted to them. Transparancy is needed in our system to rest assured, that such security organizations are highly-equipped to protect the nation. We can file petition for this.

Above are few change measures that we need to initiate if we really looking forward to better nation ahead.

Please upsurge and team-up for better future for all us. TIME TO ACT NOW.

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