I'm jus not weird :))
Jan 25th, 2006 by Neha Bagoria


Page content in whole or part, in context to ne living or dead geek’s attributes, is purely coincidental.


I’m tagged by Madhu ,Girish ,Sweet_Kristine ,Rohit ,Fadi.

Rules :

1. List seven (7) words that describe yourself.

2. List 5 weird habits or strange things about yourslef.

3. Tag seven (7) other people to do the same thing and people who get tagged need to write a blog entry about their 7 words that describe them, 5 weird habits and state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose the next 7 people to be tagged and list their names

4. Place a comment on the blog of the person who initially tagged you.

Though I don have ne weird habits as such, as I’m  an evolvin’ person but then I won’t really abscond, to let u know me. Everyday I’m turnin’ a new leaf of life’s know-how.

May be this way, u know me better. Hope this time I’m not distant  Image

So I’m listin’ few peculiar things in me Image

Happy readin’ Image

7 Words that best describes me

Whoz is Iam9 ?

She is earthy, approachable, windy, gleeful, Intuitive, humane, inaccessible.

7 Peculiarities bout me

1.  I enjoy more to hop-around n comment ur blogs than to really stay back in my page to add a blog n comment too.

2.  Though sometimes, I sound intelligent but I’m not. Its jus tht I handle it with care.

3.  While makin’ an omelette sometimes I end up breakin’ an egg in all wrong ways.

4.  Most of the time I’m very organized one, but when I’m in complete mess, it’s hard for me to pull-off.

5.  My alarm clock is ahead by 30 mins, one at living room by 20 mins & wrist watch (I wear it rare) by 10 mins.

6.  Shuffle car gears btwn 2-5; I nvr put in 1st gear.

7.  I’m not easy, with takin’ up compliments.

3 Reasons I’m hooked at 360

1.  I certainly wanna interact with most of the intellects around the globe.

2.  Most of the times, I read n write short blogs, and look forward to hear more frm u. 

3. I unwind, readin’ n commentin’ ur blogs.

  9 ppl tagged by me

Hamed ,Shitu ,Harish ,Jyothi ,Memo ,Prits ,Taniya ,Rohan ,Srini


Thanks for being around :)
Jan 4th, 2006 by Neha Bagoria

Initially this blog was posted, to deal with a physco. The person was up to defame me, though.

Thanks for all your support n valuable information, that we exchanged here.

Note: As for now, things are resolved, we might not take this ne further.

Know You
Jan 2nd, 2006 by Neha Bagoria

We Know Someone, Till One Is Discovered…

© nehabagoria.com