Earth has 4,00,000 plants, over 1.5 million of animals and over 9,50,000 insects species. There are total 16,306 endangered plants and animals species threatened to exist in near future. More than 3 million years ago humans have been hunters with all skillset of hunting and gathering. Farming and colonizing as civilizations is seen as evolution of human behaviour. However, as per research the reason for this transition is unclear, whether increasing population, climate change, or changes in social behaviour drove intensification.
Humans can coexist with other species playing humanitarian role. We the most brainy species among all is to protect the ecosystem around.The incremental extinction rate is regressive for Earth habitat. Till date thousands of species are extinct and won’t return to ecology again. Human population explosion lead to such extinctions with per capita resource consumption is on rise.
However, protected status and conservation laws have salvaged many species way back from oblivion. Endangered species as Siberian tiger, Golden monkey, Island Fox, White rhino etc have been dragged from the brink.
Earth is habitable till the ecology is favorable to existence for the beings of our planet. All living beings stand equal chance to live on planet earth.Human as protector and not as predator can conserve Earth .